10. and 22.4. 2024
Spring is a time of new beginnings. For many, it's also a period of purification, cleansing of the body and spirit, and an opportunity to slow down and introspect. After Easter, the iShorts program embarks on this journey and presents a collection of short films on the theme of faith and religion - as integral parts of human history and closed human micro-worlds, as a path to liberation and a tool of manipulation.
The Mohel (Canada)
Director: Charles Wahl | Producers: Evan Kelly, Gharrett Patrick Paon, Charles Wahl |
Star: Daniel Maslany, Kaelen Ohm, Sam Rosenthal |
Year: 2021 | Length: 14 min. | Live Action |
James and Lola live in a community without any Mohel's, and after celebrating the birth of their son are faced with family expectations and financial strain as they fly one in to perform the Brit Milah.
The Chaplain (Czech Republic)
Director: Matyáš Lada | Producer: SPŠST Panská |
Star: Václav Vašák, Jiří Černý, Dana Černá |
Year: 2023 | Length: 22 min. | Live Action |
A prison chaplain confronts a man responsible for his daughter's death. Even after many years, it is not easy to forgive. The short student film is a graduation work of two Year-Four students of The Pánská Technical College of Communication Technology (SPŠST) in Prague. The students set themselves the goal of creating a high-quality film both in terms of content and technical aspects. The project was supported on Startovač, where it raised over 100% of the required amount.
Director: Rûken Tekeş | Producer: Rûken Tekeş |
Star: Delila Kaya, Emircan Kaya, Şehmuz Demirtaş, Müfit Aytekin |
Year: 2016 | Length: 14 min | Live Action |
In Mesopotamia, there are children of different ethnicities, religions and languages. Zelal, 7 years old petite girl, is an ethnic Kurd as well as religiously an Ezidi (Yazidi). An ordinary school day turns into a life changing event for Zelal and her introvert admirer, Zeki, after their Turkish teacher introduces the letter of the week "O"…
Debutante (Ireland)
Director: Kamila Dydyna | Producer: Kamila Dydyna |
Star: Sam McGovern, Noelle Brown, Arthur Riordan |
Year: 2021 | Length: 18 min. | Live Action |
"Debutante" is the story of Meg, a young Jehovah's Witness who's subjected to the worst of what the religion has to offer: a judicial committee.
Godless (Czech Republic)
Director: Stefan Lambert | Producer: FAMO |
Star: Martin Trnavský, Jan Nedbal, Anna Ribanská, Lucie Domesová, Roman Štabrňák, Marek Dobeš |
Year: 2023 | Length: 22 min. | Live Action |
The entrance of a young charismatic preacher turns the local pastor's life upside down. The fight for power in the backrooms of modern religion.
Total length of the screening 88 min. In original language with Czech and English subtitles.