

18., 23., 24., 25. a 27.9. 2019

Wednesday 18. 9. 2019 | 20 : 30 | BIO OKO, Františka Křížka 460/15, Prague (map)
Monday 23. 9. 2019 | 20 : 00 | ANDĚL CAFÉ, Bezručova 151/5, Plzeň (map)
Tuesday 24. 9. 2019 | 20 : 00 | KINO ÚSMEV, Kasárenské nám. 1, Košice (map)
Wednesday 25. 9. 2019 | 19 : 00 | KINO JUNIOR, Jiráskova 4898/9, Jablonec nad Nisou (map)
Wednesday 25. 9. 2019 | 19 : 30 | VEŘEJNÝ SÁL HRANIČÁŘ, Prokopa Diviše 1812/7, Ústí nad Labem (map)
Wednesday 25. 9. 2019 | 20 : 30 | GOLDEN APPLE CINEMA, nám. Míru 174, Zlín (map)
Friday 27. 9. 2019 | 20 : 00 | VARŠAVA, Frýdlantská 285/16, Liberec (map)

In cooperation with Girls in Film platform, we will once again bring you a fresh selection of short films made by the new generation of female filmmakers. Come and enjoy the end of summer in presence of shorts spanning across genres, as well as countries of origin and to meet the talented directors.

FUCK YOU (Sweden)

Director: Anette Sidor | Producer: Jerry Carlsson |
Star: Jack Blossby, Alex Hormigo, Jerry Lindh |
Year: 2018 | Length: 15 min | Live Action |

On a night out with friends, Alice steals a strap-on and challenges her boyfriend's thoughts about girls.

ALL INCLUSIVE (Switzerland)

Director: Corina Schwingruber Ilic | Producer: Stella Händler |
Year: 2018 | Length: 10 min | Documentary |

Under the spell of mass entertainment on the high seas.

SH_T HAPPENS (Czech Republic)

Director: Michaela Mihályi, David Stumpf | Producer: Peter Badač |
Year: 2019 | Length: 13 min | Animation |

The caretaker exhausted by everything, his frustrated wife and one totally depressed deer. Their mutual despair leads them to absurd events, because... shit happens all the time.

TREŠNJE (Greece)

Director: Dubravka Turic | Producer: Dijana Mladenovic |
Star: Lana Baric, Milivoj Beader, Bozica Bilic |
Year: 2017 | Length: 29 min | Live Action |

Family tensions are slowly eroding what should have been a carefree summer for the young boy Jakov. A series of events ending in tragedy will incite his emotional revolt against the grown ups, but also his sense of guilt.


Director: Jess Magee |
Star: Jess Magee, Anthony Oberbeck, Daniel Lonnstrom |
Year: 2018 | Length: 2 min | Live Action |

Adapted from the short story by acclaimed American writer and translator Lydia Davis. Filmed on 16mm. WHAT SHE KNEW is a bite-sized short film that delves inside the mind of a young woman's self-perception when it comes to interacting with men.


Director: Irina Alexiu | Producer: Merve Erdem |
Year: 2019 | Length: 7 min | Documentary |

Three ladies meet at a South London bingo parlor and talk life. The documentary video portrait surprises their genuine conversations, giving a glimpse of one of their afternoons. With raw personalities, they speak their minds regarding love, aliens, death and parrots.The video portrait has an anthropological perspective and iterates the London suburb, Bingo hall subculture.

Cherries (Czech Republic)

Director: Katka Gramatová | Producer: Juliana Rychlíková |
Star: Tereza Marečková, Dávid Hartl, Oldřich Vlček, Marie Ludvíková |
Year: 2019 | Length: 30 min | Live Action |

Hana has for a 16 year old girl adult's opinions and so she is trying to convince her grandfather about her attitude to life. She receive only rejection and orders to become grown-up. But when Hana speaks her mind she is still a little girl in gradnpa's eyes. Truth is not one and so Hana has a dilema. Keep fighting for her opinions and dreams or to be quiet.

Total length of the screening 106 min. In original language with Czech and English subtitles.


cinema event


11 / 9 / 24 / 20 : 30


cinema event


17 / 9 / 24 / 20 : 00