
X - Shorts!

22.4., 27.4., 28.4., 29.4. and 30.4. 2015

Wednesday 22. 4. 2015 | 20 : 30 | BIO OKO, Františka Křížka 460/15, Prague (map)
Tuesday 28. 4. 2015 | 19 : 30 | KC MALÝ BERLÍN, Štefánikova 4, Trnava (map)
Wednesday 29. 4. 2015 | 19 : 30 | STUDIO KAREL, 28. října 49/23, Ostrava (map)
Wednesday 29. 4. 2015 | 20 : 00 | KINO JUNIOR, Jiráskova 4898/9, Jablonec nad Nisou (map)
Thursday 30. 4. 2015 | 19 : 30 | GOLDEN APPLE CINEMA, nám. Míru 174, Zlín (map)

10 years of iShorts – that´s everything but a short time. Come and celebrate with us with a program made exclusively of famous directors´ short debuts! Even the biggest names got their start in short film and some of them just can´t resist and keep coming back.

Jiří Menzel, Marek Najbrt or Jan Prušinovský. Sure, today they are stars, but how did they start? What was their work like in school? Come and take a look at our anniversary screening iShorts; X-Shorts! and find out how these talented filmmakers begun! We´ve prepared a hundred minute long program full of names that you are bound to know. And it wil become clear, just why you know them.

The Invention of Beauty (CZ)

Director: Marek Najbrt | Producer: FAMU |

Year: 1994 | Length: 21 min | Documentary Film |

Bubble Bath Is the Best (CZ)

Director: Jan Prušinovský | Producer: FAMU |
Star: Josef Polášek, Johanna Tesařová, Jana Plodková, Barbora Poláková |

Year: 2005 | Length: 17 min | Live Action |

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex But Were Afraid to Experience (CZ)

Director: Jan Hřebejk | Producer: FAMU |
Star: Jan Hřebejk, Bořivoj Navrátil, Jiří Ornest, Jan Vodňanský, Michal Bregant |

Year: 1988 | Length: 15 min | Live Action |

Fricasse (CZ)

Director: Martin Krejčí | Producer: Monika Kristl |
Star: Martin Huba, Stano Dančiak, Alexandr Minajev, Karel Polišenský, Pavel Koutecký |

Year: 2003 | Length: 14 min | Live Action |

An Eastern Bloodthirsty Hugo (CZ)

Director: Aurel Klimt | Producer: FAMU |
Star: Štefan Capko, Lucie Štěpánková |

Year: 1997 | Length: 5 min | Animation |

Our Mr. Foerster Died (CZ)

Director: Jiří Menzelí | Producer: FAMU |
Star: Bohuš Záhorský, Svatava Hubeňáková |

Year: 1963 | Length: 13 min | Live Action |

Good Luck Hunters! (CZ)

Director: Tomáš Holeček | Producer: FAMU |
Star: Jiří Ornest, Marek Taclík, Zuzana Stavná |

Year: 2006| Length: 17 min | Live Action |

Total lenght of the screening 103 min.

cinema event


11 / 2 / 25 / 20 : 30

